Florida :: From Rear-View Mirror Melancholy to Unexpectedly Comfortable

L. Brent Huston
4 min readDec 12, 2021

Florida is a land of surprising contrasts. There’s the beaches that draw tourists from around the world, swamps and alligators, of course, but there’s also desert-like sections, cattle ranches and a diverse offering of flora and fauna. There’s people pushing against the norms with the passion of youth, and a whole lot of folks working on their end game. There’s the flash and glamour of Miami and the laid-back, slower lifestyles of the Gulf Coast. Everywhere there is polarity.



L. Brent Huston

Entrepreneur, Infosec, Partial Expat, Analytics, NLP, Rapid Skills Acquisition, Machine-Assisted Learning, Code, Data Play, Cyber-Crime, Researcher & More…